American Association of University Professors

The AAUP's purpose is to advance academic freedom and shared governance, to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher education, and to ensure higher education's contribution to the common good. Our local chapter strives to articulate and support these principles at JCU. We support faculty both individually and collectively, and can call on the support of the national and state organizations if needed. We act to support and strengthen academic freedom and faculty contractual and governance rights as embodied through tenure, the Faculty Handbook and Faculty Council. We stand as an independent voice in matters of academic integrity and professional responsibility. While we work on behalf of all JCU faculty, regardless of membership status, we ask that you consider formal membership in order to strengthen our presence.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Open meeting, Friday, Feb. 24

Please join John Carroll's chapter of AAUP for an open meeting this Friday afternoon, February 24, at 3:30 in the Philosophy Department conference room.  Our purpose is to provide an update on AAUP activities at the local and state level, including a general faculty climate survey that we will be sending out to all faculty this semester, as well as to provide an opportunity for faculty to discuss issues of common concern, such as compensation, university planning, curriculum review, and tenure and promotion decisions. If you have other issues you'd like to discuss, we'd like to hear that as well!  Hope to see you Friday. Adult  beverages and snacks will be provided!